Varying Language Learning Activities: Reading to Increase your Arabic Vocabulary

Reading to Increase your Arabic Vocabulary

I want to emphasize the importance of varying our language learning activities, like developing good habits and focusing on the journey rather than the destination. We need to have good habits and vary the activities we do, as each one can help us in different ways. For example, in a conversation group, you are practicing using the Arabic words you already know. Listening is a great way to reinforce and grow our passive Arabic vocabulary, but reading is the best way to acquire new words. I’m going to discuss the difference between extensive and intensive reading and how they help us learn new words.

Ultimately, the best way to read extensively is to pick up a physical book and just read it without any distractions. This way, you’re able to take in the language and turn the characters on the page into meaningful content. Once I’m able to read novels in a language I’m studying, I consider it a major accomplishment. People often tell me they can read well but have difficulty speaking or using the language. To those I say, have you read a novel in the language you’re learning? It doesn’t necessarily have to be fiction as nonfiction works as well. However, if there are too many words you don’t know, then reading away from the computer is not enjoyable. That’s why reading online with the help of an online dictionary can help build your vocabulary so you can eventually experience the ultimate joy of reading a book. With repetition, the words you encounter become part of your passive vocabulary and some may even become part of your active vocabulary. Ultimately, extensive reading is the key.

Evidence suggests that when we read extensively, even without paying attention to the words, our understanding of the language increases.

Fortunately, some of the words we come across become familiar to us simply by seeing them in different contexts and having a general sense of their meaning. Personally, I prefer to look them up in a dictionary because I can have a mistaken idea of the word’s meaning for a long time without even noticing. Even if I forget the word after looking it up, I’m more likely to have a better grasp of the range of its meaning if I have the chance to see it translated into English or another language I’m familiar with.

I cannot express enough how beneficial reading is for expanding one’s vocabulary. If a book is too difficult, then one can read online and use an online dictionary. To put it succinctly, reading is the most effective way to learn new words. Also, if you forget them, you will likely see them again, and they will eventually become part of your passive vocabulary. To get the most out of reading, switch between extensive and intensive reading. Lastly, if you enjoy the activity, you are more likely to stay with it and learn more.

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